Business Unit: Corporate
Kent, Wash.
College of Wooster
Degree Program: 
B.A. in Statistics and Data Science

What is your role at Boeing?

I’m part of the Infrastructure & Operations, Workplace Solutions team within Information Technology and Data Analytics (IT&DA).

My role focuses on product and project management of internal Boeing tools, where I help streamline processes and enhance effectiveness and functionality of our collaboration platforms.

How did you hear about our internships and why did you decide to apply?

I learned about Boeing's internships through the Rwanda Girls Initiative Program.

My decision to apply was driven by a lifelong passion for aviation and a desire to contribute to an industry that has fascinated me since elementary school. Boeing’s global impact and dedication to innovation perfectly aligns with my career aspirations.

What excites you the most about Boeing’s mission?

Boeing’s mission to protect, connect and explore our world and beyond is truly inspiring. What excites me the most is the company’s commitment to push the boundaries of aerospace technology by creating cutting-edge internal solutions that improve productivity and teamwork throughout the organization.

What has been your favorite experience at your internship so far?

Participating in the Boeing Commercial Airplanes ONE Intern Design Challenge. Working alongside talented interns from different departments to tackle projects aimed to improve accessibility in aviation was rewarding and challenging. This experience demonstrated the importance of teamwork and innovation and allowed me to apply my skills in a real-world setting.

In what ways do you feel supported by your team?

From the very beginning of my internship, I felt warmly welcomed by my team. Regular meetings and tag-ups with my manager and mentors have been invaluable. They provide continuous guidance, constructive feedback, and a supportive environment that encourages my growth and development not only in my role but also as a person.

How has your internship shaped your career goals?

This internship has broadened my perspective on potential career paths. In my role, I was exposed to product and project management, which revealed new opportunities that I can’t wait to explore further.

I’ve realized the importance of being open to opportunities beyond my initial areas of interest and solidified my ambition to pursue a career in the aviation industry!

What are your tips for accomplishing your best work?

It’s important to set goals for what you aim to achieve by the end of your internship, and communicate that to your manager, mentor, or anyone else who can keep you accountable. Additionally, don’t hesitate to seek help when needed!

What advice do you have for students who are interested in interning with us?

Boeing is a place with so many opportunities for those willing to take advantage of them. Take time to explore departments and teams to find what excites you.

Build connections – everyone at Boeing is welcoming and eager to help, so don’t be afraid to reach out and network. The support and resources available at Boeing can significantly enhance your professional growth.