Business Unit: Boeing Global, Ventures and Innovation
University of Strathclyde
Degree Program:
B.A. in Business Enterprise & Finance

What is your role at Boeing?

I am on the Global Accelerator & Innovation Programmes team, working as intern Chief of Staff. My team manages the Aerospace Xelerated (AX) programme. At AX, we help solve innovation challenges by working with promising aerospace startups worldwide. The programme also provides investment, mentorship and support for startups developing innovative aerospace solutions.

How did you hear about our internships and why did you decide to apply?

I saw an advertisement on LinkedIn and applied immediately, as I have always been keen to work in the aviation industry. I studied entrepreneurship and finance at university, making this position a perfect fit. Working for Boeing was a dream, and if I hadn't been successful, I would have pursued a career as a pilot, as I had begun flying lessons during university.

What excites you the most about Boeing’s mission and in what ways is your team making a real-world impact? 

I have seen how Boeing supports early-stage companies developing innovative solutions for the industry. Aerospace Xelerated provides crucial support to help startups break into the challenging aerospace sector. Our team sees amazing potential in these early-stage companies, and the guidance and support we offer go beyond financial assistance. It's incredible to witness the dedication to the companies in our portfolio.

What has been your favorite experience at your internship so far?

In my third week, I took part in the launch of the Kuwait Digital Startup Campus in partnership with Boeing. It was an amazing trip and I got to see first-hand the amazing work Aerospace Xelerated does in building and nurturing a startup ecosystem. After Kuwait, I travelled to Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE for meetings with Boeing clients. I also had the opportunity to attend the Farnborough Airshow to support AX, as we hosted the first ever Startup Zone in the airshow’s history!

In what ways do you feel supported by your team?

Everyone on my team is always eager to help, and I never feel nervous about asking questions. My team regularly checks in on my personal and professional well-being. My manager always introduces me to everyone she meets, regardless of their seniority.

How has your internship shaped your career goals?

My manager has instilled a great confidence in me, from my first week until now. The opportunities I‘ve been given and the people I’ve met at such an early stage in my career are something I think every young person dreams of. There are so many different opportunities and excellent support systems here. I can definitely see a lifelong career at Boeing.

What are your tips for accomplishing your best work?

It can be overwhelming when you are given unfamiliar tasks. However, the key is to keep a cool head and never be afraid to ask questions—everyone is there to help you. Every task is a learning opportunity and a chance to challenge yourself to improve.

What advice do you have for students who are interested in interning with us?

Speak up about your career interests and passion, and let your enthusiasm shine through during your interview. Even if you start without extensive knowledge about Boeing, you will quickly learn and develop a strong sense of pride and passion for the Boeing brand. I definitely recommend applying -- you won´t regret it!