Where first jobs become lasting careers

The Boeing Pre-Employment Training Program (BPET) allows students from pre-certified academic manufacturing programs to skip the interview process when applying for specific manufacturing jobs at Boeing. Think of it like the pre-check line at the airport, but for a career!

Students must upload an instructor-issued BPET Enrollment Confirmation Form during the application process, and they will be required to pass Boeing pre-hire contingencies before receiving a start date. Contingent offers are extended to BPET applicants in the order their applications are received and as per availability of roles at Boeing sites.

To be able to skip the interview process, students from BPET-certified academic programs should apply for jobs that align with their program. Students are always able to apply for other Boeing jobs, but will need to go through the standard hiring process for those positions. To find out if your program is BPET-certified and for what jobs, click here

Boeing Pre-Employment Training (BPET) Students - Aircraft Structures Mechanic


If you have any questions about BPET or the status of your existing application, please reach out to: mfgtalent@boeing.com